On Mon, 2 Feb 2009, Bill Moran wrote:
How about:
Options for port-fu
[ ] BRG Bernstein Riggs Guillotine parsing
[X] QFZ Quantum Freeze Zulu rending
At least that one gives me _some_ idea what those TLAs mean.
There was talk some time ago of having extended descriptions. Several
ideas, but the one that made the most sense to me would be a box at the
bottom that would display a description as you moved through the
[.] BRG
Bernstein Riggs Guillotine parsing
with the . representing the cursor/highlight position. Move down and
the bottom line would change to say "Quantum Freeze Zulu rending". The
nice thing about the box at the bottom is it would give a full line or
possibly several lines for explanations.
Seems like it could be added without breaking the existing system with
an optional OPTIONS_DESC variable that would correspond with OPTIONS.
I don't really know how hard that would be; ideas are cheap,
implementation more costly.
-Warren Block * Rapid City, South Dakota USA
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