I don't believe this is particularly useful: Options for port-fu [ ] BRG Enable BRG support [X] QFZ Enable QFZ support
Quite honestly, if you can't figure out that checking the box next to BRG enables BRG support, then don't use a computer. However, if you don't already know what BRG _is_, then those menus are worthless gobbly-gook. So, you've held my hand long enough to teach me that putting an X in a box enables something, but you've given me absolutely NO idea what I've actually done. How about: Options for port-fu [ ] BRG Bernstein Riggs Guillotine parsing [X] QFZ Quantum Freeze Zulu rending At least that one gives me _some_ idea what those TLAs mean. This is so common in the ports infrastructure, that I'm sure a bazillion maintainers are going to scream at me for complaining about it. After all, _everyone_ else does the same thing. But it's completely worthless to have the description simply repeat what the tag is. It's also really bad UI design. Quite honestly, it makes me wonder if the port creator was even awake when they typed up the Makefile. Please, please, please stop this. I'm floored by the pervasiveness of this insanity, and there's absolutely no reason for it to continue. -- Bill Moran http://www.potentialtech.com http://people.collaborativefusion.com/~wmoran/ _______________________________________________ freebsd-ports@freebsd.org mailing list http://lists.freebsd.org/mailman/listinfo/freebsd-ports To unsubscribe, send any mail to "freebsd-ports-unsubscr...@freebsd.org"