I guess that cluster doesn't have internet connection for security reasons ?
Downloading the files from the maven repo prior to building the port sounds a 
little bit complex to me...
But that's probably because I'm not very much in the ports system...however if 
you think there's anything I can help with I'd gladly do!
...I have a few years experience in programming (mostly Java, some C and some 
scripting), that's all


 >On Sat, Jan 24, 2009 at 09:20:35AM +0200, Mario Pavlov wrote:
 >> Hi Peter,
 >> well I guess I could try :)
 >> only that I can't start right now and it will take some time...
 >I've update the port to 5.0.0.GA.  However, the build still fails on the
 >ports cluster since it uses Maven to download the dependent JARs it needs
 >during the build process from jboss.org.  It should build fine on your
 >local machine though as long as you have internet connectivity (it does
 >for me).
 >I haven't had time to look into downloading all the files it needs prior
 >to the build and pointing Maven to where they are downloaded to.  That is
 >what we'd need to do to get it building on the ports cluster though.
 >>  >On 2009-Jan-21 09:40:34 +0200, Mario Pavlov  wrote:
 >>  >>I guess you could update this port
 >>  >>
 >>  >>I'm not very much in the ports system otherwise I could just send you a 
 >> patch for this port
 >>  >
 >>  >Currently, java/jboss5 does not have a maintainer and so will not get
 >>  >updated unless someone takes pity on it.  If you are interested in
 >>  >this port, I suggest you read
 >> >http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook/index.html
 >>  >and submit a patch to take over maintainership.
 >>  >
 >>  >-- 
 >>  >Peter Jeremy
 >>  >Please excuse any delays as the result of my ISP's inability to implement
 >>  >an MTA that is either RFC2821-compliant or matches their claimed 
 >> behaviour.
 >>  >
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