On Sat, Jan 24, 2009 at 09:20:35AM +0200, Mario Pavlov wrote:
> Hi Peter,
> well I guess I could try :)
> only that I can't start right now and it will take some time...

I've update the port to 5.0.0.GA.  However, the build still fails on the
ports cluster since it uses Maven to download the dependent JARs it needs
during the build process from jboss.org.  It should build fine on your
local machine though as long as you have internet connectivity (it does
for me).

I haven't had time to look into downloading all the files it needs prior
to the build and pointing Maven to where they are downloaded to.  That is
what we'd need to do to get it building on the ports cluster though.

>  >On 2009-Jan-21 09:40:34 +0200, Mario Pavlov  wrote:
>  >>I guess you could update this port
>  >>
>  >>I'm not very much in the ports system otherwise I could just send you a 
> patch for this port
>  >
>  >Currently, java/jboss5 does not have a maintainer and so will not get
>  >updated unless someone takes pity on it.  If you are interested in
>  >this port, I suggest you read
>  >http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook/index.html
>  >and submit a patch to take over maintainership.
>  >
>  >-- 
>  >Peter Jeremy
>  >Please excuse any delays as the result of my ISP's inability to implement
>  >an MTA that is either RFC2821-compliant or matches their claimed behaviour.
>  >
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