Romain Tartière wrote:

> Well, I don't think of importing TeXLive into the FreeBSD ports tree as
> a replacement of teTeX (sorry if that was unclear by what I meant by
> "drop-in replacement").  I was just thinking about having both in the
> ports tree, leaving existing dependencies untouched so that ports that
> used to depend on teTeX still depend on it... TeXLive would only be
> installed if the user explicitly want TeXLive instead of teTeX.

I concur with that, as a TeX user since many years. For me teTeX is
already overbloated as far as possible, particularly when some 
unconscious maintainer adds dependencies like cm-super which are
perfectly non necessary, please don't impose on us abominations like 
TeXLive, leave that optional. 


Michel TALON

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