On Thu, Dec 25, 2008 at 12:32:46AM +0900, Hiroki Sato wrote:
> Romain Tartière <rom...@blogreen.org> wrote
>   in <20081224131012.ga8...@blogreen.org>:
> ro> There have been numerous mails about adding ports for TeXLive to FreeBSD
> ro> [1,2,3,4], unfortunately, nothing is available so far.
>  I am the one who were saying the porting was going, and sorry for
>  being out of touch with public lists, but the points include not only
>  how to import them to our ports tree but also how to integrate them
>  with the large number of ports depending TeX.

Well, I don't think of importing TeXLive into the FreeBSD ports tree as
a replacement of teTeX (sorry if that was unclear by what I meant by
"drop-in replacement").  I was just thinking about having both in the
ports tree, leaving existing dependencies untouched so that ports that
used to depend on teTeX still depend on it... TeXLive would only be
installed if the user explicitly want TeXLive instead of teTeX.

> The reasons why I could not import them so far are: 1) some remaining
> issues could not be solved until the last month and 2) I need to wait
> for the recent releases being rolled out (much-delayed, as you know).
Err... Well in fact I am not a *TeX* addict... Just an user: I have a
document I started to typeset on Windows with TeXLive and it don't
compile on FreeBSD's teTeX (too old macros I guess)... I just want to
continue this document.  Porting TeXLive is a need, not a goal :-)  SO
no, I was not aware that another release was imminent.

>  I have three sort of experimental ports of texlive now; the first is
>  a large one, the second is completely-modularized one, and the last
>  is a combination of modularized binaries and macro part in a few
>  ports with scripts to interface CTAN between the installed macros.
>  Considering migration from teTeX, I am planning to commit a part of
>  1) just after 7.1R is rolled out, then break them, and finally form
>  them into 3).
This sounds cool!

>  This integration involves many other ports which depend on TeX, and
>  probably the new category named "tex".  Also, we are using TeX in our
>  documentation infrastructure, so updating the related ports are very
>  sensitive.  I think discussion of the organization in the ports tree
>  would be a good thing, but please also consider this factor; for
>  example, if we are not able to make JadeTeX work as before we need to
>  solve the issue first, and we have solve the current situation that
>  we have print/tex independent from the old teTeX, which often
>  confuses the users.  Anyway, I think major technical issues
>  (functionality, compatibility, and so on) are solved now while a
>  large change is needed to TeX-related ports in the current ports
>  tree.  And I think unless we are sure that these points and
>  long-standing complaints which exist from the teTeX era can be
>  solved, it should not be imported.
As I just explained, maybe teTeX and TeXLive can co-exist for a while?

>  Again, please accept my sincere apologies for your inconvenience of
>  missing TeXLive in FreeBSD for a long time.  I do not want to make
>  others do duplicated work and conflict with other efforts, but at the
>  same time I have no right to bothering your effort.  This is my
>  comment at this moment as one of people who are involved.
Maybe having the TeXLive work available publicly may help people who
want TeXLive on FreeBSD to merge it into their ports-tree, give more
visibility to the porting effort, then contributions may arrive...

It's the way we try to handle the BSD# Project [1] that aims to update
all Mono related stuff for FreeBSD.  Individuals who are looking for
bleeding-edge .NET support in FreeBSD can access a ports tree that will
make them happy, even if they now it might be broken.

Kind regards,

  1. http://code.google.com/p/bsd-sharp/

Romain Tartière <rom...@blogreen.org>        http://romain.blogreen.org/
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