On Thu, 21 Aug 2008, RW wrote:

On Thu, 21 Aug 2008 12:57:00 +0200
Ivan Voras <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I had a clean machine with 8-CURRENT with only vim-lite installed
(and its dependencies). To add some useful packages, I ran pkg_add -r
xorg (which went as expected) and pkg_add -r kde4 (hmmm).

Adding kde4 this way pulled, among other things: mysql-server-5.0,
subversion, boost and boost-python, net-snmp (daemon), cyrus-sasl,
gstreamer and gstreamer-plugins.

I don't see why gstreamer is surprising unless you were assuming the "g"
stood for Gnome - anyway it's progressively replacing arts in KDE.

mysql-server is the back-end for kpim,  cyrus-sasl is a common
dependency of mail clients, so I guess it's for kmail. subversion comes
in with the developer tools. net-snmp does install daemons, but they're
off by default.

If you remove kdenetwork4 (kopete), kdeutils4 (kgpg, kuser) then you can remove kdepimlibs4, followed by akonadi then mysql.

I'm not sure why kdepimlibs is required by the base system when it does not appear to be. No binaries or libraries show that they are missing shared libs. There might be some plugins that you'll do without, though.

Gstreamer is a phonon requirement, although I thought it used xine...

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