On Thu, 21 Aug 2008 12:57:00 +0200
Ivan Voras <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> hi,
> I had a clean machine with 8-CURRENT with only vim-lite installed
> (and its dependencies). To add some useful packages, I ran pkg_add -r
> xorg (which went as expected) and pkg_add -r kde4 (hmmm).
> Adding kde4 this way pulled, among other things: mysql-server-5.0, 
> subversion, boost and boost-python, net-snmp (daemon), cyrus-sasl, 
> gstreamer and gstreamer-plugins.

I don't see why gstreamer is surprising unless you were assuming the "g"
stood for Gnome - anyway it's progressively replacing arts in KDE.

mysql-server is the back-end for kpim,  cyrus-sasl is a common
dependency of mail clients, so I guess it's for kmail. subversion comes
in with the developer tools. net-snmp does install daemons, but they're
off by default.

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