> David Wolfskill wrote:
>> On Sat, May 24, 2008 at 04:38:02PM +0200, Jan Henrik Sylvester wrote:
>>> ...
>>>>> ImageMagick fails to build for me. I guess it is because I do the
>>>>> build as root while a different user "owns the display". (I do
>>>>> use kdm for login and start the build after su in a Konsole.)
>>>>    Built just fine for me, about an hour ago, on -CURRENT with no
>>>> KDE involved.  OPTIONS screen worked fine.
>>> Thanks. As I said, I tried to build with root while root was not
>>> allowed
>>> to use the display. Granting root access with 'xhost +local:' or
>>> 'setenv
>>> XAUTHORITY /usr/home/USER/.Xauthority' fixes the problem. Having to do
>>> that was kind of unexpected for me...
>> In any case, I saw no evidence that the build of ImageMagick even needed
>> to be run within an X11 environment.  Examining the output from
>> script(1) for the upgrade of ImageMagick shows no instances of the
>> string "DISPLAY," for example.  (The string "display" shows up, as the
>> name of one of the programs in the ImageMagick suite.)
> My experience was that ImageMagick did build, but it also put up a
> little window with a message on it.  So my feeling is that the OP is
> correct, and that at least on some versions of FreeBSD (in my case 7.0)
> that access to an X11 environment is required for the port to install.
> _______________________________________________

ImageMagick port does not require X to build for the user that is building
it. Sounds like either your ports is corrupted or something deeper on your
system is causing this issue.

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