On вівторок 08 квітень 2008, Joe Marcus Clarke wrote:
= > I'm trying to build graphics/vips, which works. Then I try to install
= > it, and that suddenly requires devel/gio-fam-backend.
= You need to follow the instructions in /usr/ports/UPDATING to upgrade
= all GNOME-related ports after GNOME 2.22 was merged.

So, once again, I have to update half of my ports in order to add a new port 
to the system, that's happily functioning with the older version(s).

This is not right... I ought to be able to use the older gnome to my heart's 
content, until a particular application begins to /require/ some new features 
of the new gnome.

= gio-fam-backend is a new piece of glib which provides a wrapper around
= FAM to allow applications to monitor file objects using a glib API.

Thanks for the details.

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