On Mon, 25 Feb 2008 02:45:58 -0800
"Yen-Ming Lee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> 2008/2/25, Dag-Erling Smørgrav <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > "Yen-Ming Lee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >  > [unreadable]
> >
> >  Please fix your MUA.
> My MUA is Gmail. I can't really "fix" it.
> The only thing I can do is to resend them with plain text format...
> ----- resend 1 -----
> I guess some of these PERL ports which depends on p5-Test;* are
> committed by me.
> For Makefile.PL, all dependencies are listed in 'PREREQ_PM' so it's
> hard to tell which ones are really needed and which ones are needed
> only for tests.
>  For Build.PL, it will be easier since they are listed in 'requires'
> and 'build_requires' separately.
> What I did for these packages is:
> RUN_DEPENDS= the real dependencies
>  BUILD_DEPENDS+= the dependencies needed only for test
> It will make the port depend on the real dependencies only.
> Most PERL ports can build without any other p5- port if we ignore the
> ones needed for tests.
>  Does it mean that we should ignore BUILD_DEPENDS entirely?
> Removing all p5-Test-* from Makefile.PL or Build.PL may break some
> ports (for example, some other p5-Test-* ports) which really need
> p5-Test-*.
> However, I agree to remove p5-Test-Simple from dependency since it's
> in PERL core list already.
> ----- resend 2 -----
> I mean Test::More when I mentioned p5-Test-Simple. Test::More is in
> the core list of PERL 5.6.2 or above.
> But for other modules in p5-Test-Simple, say Test::Builder::Tester and
> Test::Builder::Module, they are in the core list of PERL 5.8.8 or
> above.

FWIW, I had not trouble reading either version of your posts, although
plain text is by far the preferred format.


Within a computer, natural language is unnatural.

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