2008/2/24, Dag-Erling Smørgrav <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> There is a ridiculous amount of p5-* ports that have completely
> unnecessary build dependencies on p5-Test-*.  These package are usually
> only needed to run unit tests (cd ${WRKSRC} && make test), which *none*
> of those ports do.
> (ridiculous, in this case, means close to 300)
> What's worse, most of these ports have RUN_DEPENDS = ${BUILD_DEPENDS},
> which means even the prebuilt packages have these unnecessary
> dependencies!
> All of this could be avoided by adding these few lines to the port's
> Makefile, and removing p5-Test-* from BUILD_DEPENDS:
> pre-configure:
>         @(cd ${WRKSRC} && ${REINPLACE_CMD} -E -e \
>             "s/'?Test::[^']+'?[[:space:]]*=>[[:space:]]'?[0-9.]+'?,//" \
>             Makefile.PL)
> (some ports also need to edit Build.PL)
> Alternatively, this could be added to bsd.perl.mk, conditional on the
> presence of a PERL_UNTESTIFY_FILES variable which would list Makefile.PL
> and / or Build.PL for the ports that require it.
> --
> Dag-Erling Smørgrav - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I guess some of these PERL ports which depends on p5-Test;* are committed by

For Makefile.PL, all dependencies are listed in 'PREREQ_PM' so it's hard to
tell which ones are really needed and which ones are needed only for tests.
For Build.PL, it will be easier since they are listed in 'requires' and
'build_requires' separately.

What I did for these packages is:

RUN_DEPENDS= the real dependencies
BUILD_DEPENDS+= the dependencies needed only for test

It will make the port depend on the real dependencies only.

Most PERL ports can build without any other p5- port if we ignore the ones
needed for tests.
Does it mean that we should ignore BUILD_DEPENDS entirely?

Removing all p5-Test-* from Makefile.PL or Build.PL may break some ports
(for example, some other p5-Test-* ports) which really need p5-Test-*.
However, I agree to remove p5-Test-Simple from dependency since it's in PERL
core list already.

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