On Tuesday 08 January 2008 02:02:34 am Aryeh M. Friedman wrote:
> >>> did:
> >>>
> >>> grep ^acroread /usr/ports/INDEX-6
> >>
> >> It was not in the ports collection or the index thus the
> >> question.
> >
> > it is (As you obviously can see)
> Ok super genius show it to me:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:dev/thistest/ui/cmdline% grep ^acroread
> /usr/ports/INDEX-8
> acroread7-7.0.9_2,1|/usr/ports/print/acroread7|/usr/X11R6|Adobe Reader
> for view, print, and search PDF documents
> (ENU)|/usr/ports/print/acroread7/pkg-descr|[EMAIL PROTECTED]|print
> linux||acroreadwrapper-0.0.20060221_3 linux-atk-1.9.1
> linux-cairo-1.0.2 linux-expat-1.95.8 linux-fontconfig-2.2.3_7
> linux-glib2-2.6.6 linux-gtk2-2.6.10 linux-jpeg-6b.34
> linux-pango-1.10.2 linux-png-1.2.8_2 linux-tiff-3.7.1
> linux-xorg-libs-6.8.2_5
> linux_base-fc-4_10|http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readermain.html|||
> acroreadwrapper-0.0.20060221_3|/usr/ports/print/acroreadwrapper|/usr/local|
>Wrapper script for Adobe
> Reader|/usr/ports/print/acroreadwrapper/pkg-descr|[EMAIL PROTECTED]|print||||
>|| [EMAIL PROTECTED]:dev/thistest/ui/cmdline% grep ^acroread8
> /usr/ports/INDEX-8
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:dev/thistest/ui/cmdline%
> btw INDEX-8 is current as of a few hours ago.

<snip namecalling>

uhmmm, your index may be current with your out of date ports tree...

Fri Jan 4 20:22:54 2008 UTC (3 days, 11 hours ago) by hrs

Add Adobe Reader 8.1.1 and localized versions (total 15
languages).  Changes from 7.x include: ......

In all honesty I find it amusing you're attempting to improve a system you 
obviously don't understand....


Josh Paetzel

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