On Sat, 05 Jan 2008 15:00:27 +0900 (JST)
Hiroki Sato <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   - XIM does not work at least in japanese/acroread8 even if
>     GTK_IM_MODULE=xim is defined.  Since several Linux users around me
>     pointed out this, this seems not FreeBSD-specific.  I have heard
>     that SCIM works, but I do not check it yet.

Unfortunately, SCIM doesn't work in Acrobat Reader 8. Neither with
GTK_IM_MODULE=xim, nor with GTK_IM_MODULE=scim.

However, getting SCIM to run even with Adobe Reader 7 is a bit tricky
if one wants to keep recommended GTK_IM_MODULE=scim. I have a question
and a suggestion:

1. Is the purpose of

     case ${ADOBE_LANG} in
     JPN) : ${GTK_IM_MODULE:=xim}; export GTK_IM_MODULE ;;

   to override any other existing value?

2. My suggestion is to enhance this idea to all languages in the
   following way (that overcomes one SCIM problem described below).
   Namely, if you have this in xinitrc:


   SCIM will work everywhere (incl. Reader 7), but it will behave very
   badly in GTK applications. If you use SCIM's recommended values:

   it will not work in Linux and QT apps (incl. Reader 7). The problem
   is (I don't know if this is FreeBSD specific) that GTK_IM_MODULE,
   once set to 'scim', can't be changed to 'xim' in the same X session,
   so the line like aforementioned JPN-specific setting will not have
   any effect in such environment. The same goes for XMODIFIERS once set
   to @im=SCIM.

   The workaround I found is to use the following unusual values:
      (start "scim -d" manually in ~/.xinitrc)

   and to use this code in /usr/local/bin/acroread (for all languages):

   if [ "${GTK_IM_MODULE}" = "scim" ]; then
       if [ "x$XIM_PROGRAM" != "x" ]; then
           export XIM_PROGRAM=""
           echo "WARNING: \$XIM_PROGRAM variable sometimes can't be"
           echo "effectively changed. If you have problems running"
           echo "SCIM, don't define it in your xinitrc."
       if [ "$XMODIFIERS" = "@im=SCIM" ]; then
           echo "WARNING: If you have problems running SCIM, please"
           echo "try to set \$XMODIFIERS to \"@im=XIM\" (instead of"
           echo "\"@im=SCIM\") in your xinitrc."
       export GTK_IM_MODULE=xim
       export [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   This way, SCIM will work optimally in both GTK apps and Acrobat
   Reader 7.

Best regards.
Nikola Lečić :: Никола Лечић
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