On Thu, Sep 13, 2007 at 06:00:02PM +0200, Martin Tournoij wrote:
> > As vim port have no configuration options, it can't be configured
> > easyly through 'make config'. I'm too lazy for digging Makefile for
> > options every time I compile new version of vim, I added
> > configuration options to Makefile.  I'm new to FreeBSD, also to it's
> > Ports, so maybe I don't see the reasons, these options aren't in the
> > Makefile, but maybe they should be there.  Anyway, I attach my
> > change, maybe it will be acceptable to have it's way to ports. And if
> > not, maybe it will help for someone else too :)

Hum.. if there is some demand for OPTIONS feature, what do folks think
about this patch?

Brownie ports for someone that can explain why this always happens for me
with ports that have OPTIONS:

    bash$ make
    cd /usr/ports/editors/vim && make config;
    ===>  Switching to root credentials to create /var/db/ports/vim
    ===>  Returning to user credentials
    [3]+  Stopped                 WITH_OPTIONS=1 make

Index: Makefile
RCS file: /home/pcvs/ports/editors/vim/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.305
diff -u -p -r1.305 Makefile
--- Makefile    11 Sep 2007 19:22:31 -0000      1.305
+++ Makefile    15 Sep 2007 02:05:41 -0000
@@ -29,6 +29,10 @@ COMMENT?=    Vi "workalike", with many addi
 SLAVEDIRS=     editors/vim-lite
+.if defined(WITH_OPTIONS) || defined(WITH_VIM_OPTIONS)
+.include "${.CURDIR}/options"
 .if defined(PACKAGE_BUILDING) && !defined(LITE)
 #WITH_TCL=     yes
 WITH_PERL=     yes
Index: options
RCS file: options
diff -N options
--- /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ options     15 Sep 2007 02:05:41 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+OPTIONS=       PERL "Enable Perl interpreter" off \
+               PYTHON "Enable Python interpreter" off \
+               RUBY "Enable Ruby interpreter" off \
+               CSCOPE "Enable cscope" off \
+               EXUBERANT_CTAGS "Use exctags instead of ctags" off \
+               ATHENA "Athena GUI" off \
+               GTK2 "GTK2 GUI" off \
+               GNOME "Gnome1 GUI" off \
+               MOTIF "Motif GUI" off \
+               XTERM_SAVE "" off
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