On Wed, May 02, 2007 at 03:31:59PM -0400, Kris Kennaway wrote:
> 3) Once the proposed upgrade method is in place, we will publish a
> tarball of the prepared ports tree and request that *all* our ports
> developers test the upgrade on their own machines before it is
> committed to CVS.  There are many things that can go wrong and we need
> to make sure that the upgrade goes as smoothly as possible for our
> less technical users.  In particular all ports committers are expected
> to participate in this process of eating our own dogfood :)

You're talking about the software which gets installed and configured
only once on my machine (that is when it is removed from the box),
being fiddled with for days to get it working in 1280x1024 in 16bpp
(because 24bpp only works in 1024x768), caused me hundreds of hangs
and reboots because I enter the wrong values in some obscure register
somewhere and cause frightened looks of my wife and son when I come
outside my study because the computer is fsck()ing again after an
unexpected hang?

You are asking a lot of me :-)


Edwin Groothuis      |            Personal website: http://www.mavetju.org
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