On Wed, May 02, 2007 at 03:31:59PM -0400, Kris Kennaway wrote:
> Hi all,
> After many months of hard work (mostly by flz@, as well as others) we
> are approaching readiness of the xorg 7.2 upgrade.  Because this is a
> huge and disruptive change, we're going to approach it very carefully.
> The current plan is the following:
> 1) Tag ports with PRE_XORG_7 and freeze the ports tree.  This will
> give a stable base from which to prepare the final patchset in the
> secondary git repository that has been used for xorg integration.
> This will probably happen in the next day or two; sorry for the short
> notice but I don't want to artificially delay any longer (this has
> already been delayed for months by other reasons).

The freeze will begin at 0400 UTC on 04 May, i.e. a little over 24
hours from now.


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