On Tue, Dec 05, 2006 at 10:38:42AM -0600, Scot Hetzel wrote:
> The bsd.port.mk patch could be changed to:
> .if (${OSVERSION} > 602100  && ${OSVERSION} < 700000) || ${OSVERSION} > 
> 700027
> PKGDISTFILE= "comment distfile"
> .else
> PKGDISTFILE="distfile"
> .endif
> :
> :
> -     ${ECHO_CMD} "@distfle $${file}" >> ${TMPPLIST}; \
> +     ${ECHO_CMD} "@${PKGDISTFILE} $${file}" >> ${TMPPLIST}; \
> This would allow the bsd.port.mk patch be added, without having to
> update the pkg_install tools on older systems.
> Then the ports tools (portupgrade, portmaster, ..) could be changed to
> look for either "@distfile" or "@comment distfile" in the +CONTENTS
> file.

I was going to suggest wrapping the patch in an OSVERSION check for the
proper pkg_info update, however I think your approach is better.  There
are some cosmetic changes to be made, and a discussion I would like to
have before I take this any further...

Cosmetic change:
With the patch applied using the -F flag on a package which does not
have the distfile information recorded looks like this:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ > pkg_info -F qemu-0.8.2s.20061128
Information for qemu-0.8.2s.20061128:


I'm going to make it ignore the -F flag when there are no recorded
distfiles (and document this fact in the manpage).

As for the discussion:
I did find an old thread[1] which discusses this.  The point was raised
that +CONTENTS is probably not the perfect place for this, to which I
agree.  But putting it in +DISTINFO will require more complexity than
embedding it in +CONTENTS.  The argument could be made that recording
the distfiles which were used to make the contents justifies the
existence of their names in +CONTENTS (as a @comment).

I'm willing to move them to +DISTINFO instead if people feel strongly
enough about them NOT being in +CONTENTS.  For now, I'm operating on the
premise that +CONTENTS is the place for them (though not optimal) and in
a form which will not require changes to pkg_create to handle.

> I also noticed that the patch to the pkg_info man page is using a
> lower case f, instead of an upper case F for the option to show the
> distfiles of a given package.

Thanks, I missed that.  I'll post updated patches when they are

-- WXS

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