Quoting Kian Mohageri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Ron Tarrant wrote:
Hi all,
I updated my ports tree on Sept. 7 and then built /usr/ports/lang/php5
(version: 5.1.6). Now the command:
php --version
results in a segmentation fault. I wouldn't mind, but I'm working on
building php-gtk2 from source and the configure script uses the above
command to confirm installation of the CLI version of PHP. Rather than
the test yielding:
Do you happen to use the php5-ldap extension? If so, you might try
upgrading your openldap port, because I experienced segfaulting with the
php command line (5.1.6) using openldap 2.3.25. I upgraded to
openldap-client-2.3.27 and it fixed the problem.
You can also try using gdb to get an idea of where/when it is seg faulting.
Hope that helps.
Kian Mohageri
WWU ResTek
I was seeing something similar and ended up compiling php5 and all the
php5-estensions without IP6 and it solved it for me. I used portmaster
that forced me to check all the make config options in all the php5 and
I didn't actually try php --version when I had the problem but was
sigfaulting just executing the pear command to see the help screen.
This was on my upgrade from a previous php upgrade from 5.1.4 maybe.
It was not long ago.
good luck,
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