Quoting Ron Tarrant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

*eculp at bafirst.com wrote:

*> Kian Mohageri wrote:

>/ Do you happen to use the php5-ldap extension?  If so, you might try
/> >/ upgrading your openldap port, because I experienced segfaulting with the
/> >/ php command line (5.1.6) using openldap 2.3.25.  I upgraded to
/> >/ openldap-client-2.3.27 and it fixed the problem.
/> >/
/> >/ You can also try using gdb to get an idea of where/when it is seg faulting.
/> >/
/> >/ Hope that helps.
/> >/
/> >/ --
/> >/ Kian Mohageri
/> >/ WWU ResTek
/> >/ 206.779.0707
I was seeing something similar and ended up compiling php5 and all the php5-estensions without IP6 and it solved it for me. I used portmaster that forced me to check all the make config options in all the php5 and php5-extensions.

I didn't actually try php --version when I had the problem but was sigfaulting just executing the pear command to see the help screen.

This was on my upgrade from a previous php upgrade from 5.1.4 maybe. It was not long ago.

Thanks for the input, guys.

My openldap-client version is 2.3.27 and I double-checked the options for compiling and found that IP6 was not selected. I also found a reference in one of the php mailing lists to segmentation faults apparently caused by ImageMagick's magickwand. It was suggested that removing the magickwand extension from the list would fix the problem, but it didn't for me.

The search for a solution continues.

I first removed php5 php5-extensions all pear and pecl ports and then installed all starting with php5 without ip6. I no longer had a problem. I then ran make rmconfig and make config checking for ip6 and then reinstalling and testing. I was also forced to quit using Zend substituting eaccelerator after installing and testing each. Both of those have caused problems for me at different times in the past. I never had a problem with a clean php5 on a machine without any php, pear, etc. I had the problem on 5 machines with both amd and intel, current and releng_6 and fixed them all that way.

Good luck.


Again, thanks for the suggestions.

-Ron T.

Ron Tarrant
Blog:<A HREF="http://www.writingup.com/blog/phpgtk2";>PHP-Gtk2</A>

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