alan bryan wrote:

> On 8/18/06, Roman Bogorodskiy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> I compiled ports/apache22 with WITH_PGSQL=yes and also tried
> >> WITH_PGSQL=/usr/local/pgsql with no changes in result.  Am I doing
> >> something wrong here?
> >
> >Hm... www/apache22 port has no WITH_PGSQL knob. I was figthing with
> >apache22 + authentification via postgresql few days ago and now it works
> >here with www/mod_auth_pgsql2.
> Are you sure about that?

Oh, you're right, I missed that.

> # pwd
> /usr/ports/www/apache22
> # more Makefile.doc
> # Makefile.doc
> # Author:                               Clement Laforet 
> #
> # This files contains:
> #      - make options output
> #      - apache2 man/docs routines
> #
> # $FreeBSD: ports/www/apache22/Makefile.doc,v 1.9 2006/05/10 19:47:15 
> clement Ex
> p $
> #
> ## Available knobs:
> ## By default, modules are compiled as dynamically loadable (DSO) modules.
> ##
> ....blah, blah....
> ##      WITH_(MYSQL|PGSQL|SQLITE): Enable SQL backend *dbd
> So, I saw that and thought that WITH_PGSQL is valid.  So, you are
> saying that it is not?   That would help explain some of the problems
> I'm seeing.
> I could use (and have in the past on apache 2.0) www/mod_auth_pgsql2
> but I was getting "No Authn provider configured" with the following
> ..htaccess:

Yeah, I had the same error. It fixed by placing line
"LoadModule auth_pgsql_module  libexec/apache22/"
before other "LoadModule" entries (that sound rather weird, yes).

> AuthName "Administration Area"
> AuthType basic
> Auth_PG_host localhost
> Auth_PG_port 5432
> Auth_PG_encrypted on
> Auth_PG_user pgsql
> Auth_PG_database dbname
> Auth_PG_pwd_table users
> Auth_PG_uid_field username
> Auth_PG_pwd_field password
> require user username
> which worked fine in apache 2.0.  So, what parts of the new auth stuff
> do you have loaded in your httpd.conf that you don't get that error?
> It sounds like I was getting some of the new auth stuff to start
> trying to do things as a result of the AuthType basic line but I'm not
> sure what else to put there.  Can you share some of your setup
> details?
> Thanks!
> --Alan
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