On 8/18/06, Roman Bogorodskiy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I could use (and have in the past on apache 2.0) www/mod_auth_pgsql2
> but I was getting "No Authn provider configured" with the following
> ..htaccess:
Yeah, I had the same error. It fixed by placing line
"LoadModule auth_pgsql_module libexec/apache22/mod_auth_pgsql.so"
before other "LoadModule" entries (that sound rather weird, yes).
That does sound weird but it did solve the problem for me too. Thanks!
For now I'll just continue using mod_auth_pgsql2 although I still
think there is something wrong with the DBD and PGSQL things in the
www/apache22 port. Hopefully someone with more experience in this
than I can take a look at the way the port builds and links against
PGSQL and see if they can get it to work. I was getting none of the
dbd related .so to link against the pgsql libs which is why nothing
dbd related was working.
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