On Wed, 16 Aug 2006 06:33:51 -0500
B Briggs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> mentioned:

> I've included errors and lists of packages in another post. Just to let 
> you know, I changed the Makefile on line 19 BACK to what it was before 
> it was changed on August 13:
> -USE_AUTOTOOLS=  aclocal:19 automake:19 autoconf:259 libtool:15
> +USE_AUTOTOOLS=  automake:15 autoconf:253

Thanks, we already fixed the issue. The problems is probably stale
automake files left by older automake installations in share/aclocal.
On clean installs it builds fine.

I've submitted PR that explicitly defines all include paths for .m4
files to avoid such conflicts.

Stanislav Sedov         MBSD labs, Inc.         <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Россия, Москва         http://mbsd.msk.ru

If the facts don't fit the theory, change the facts.  -- A. Einstein
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