On 7/12/06, [LoN]Kamikaze <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

michael johnson wrote:
> On 7/12/06, Dejan Lesjak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> There were a couple of debates already concerning /usr/X11R6 as prefix
>> for
>> X11
>> ports and a bunch of other ports that currently by default install
>> Quite some people were, when creating a new port that depends on X11,
>> wandering whether to put it in X11BASE or LOCALBASE. More than once a
>> question of whether the prefix /usr/X11R6 should be just dropped or at
>> least
>> only retained for core X11 distribution. With the upcoming X.org 7.x
>> ports
>> there is perhaps the opportunity to do the prefix merger along that.
>> Moving X11 prefix to LOCALBASE would simplify above dilemma. It would
>> also
>> more similar to where linux distributions are going (at least Gentoo,
>> Debian
>> and Fedora deprecated /usr/X11R6 in favour of /usr which, while
>> not /usr/local is the location of where all packages install -
>> on
>> X11 or not). If I remember correctly from previous discussions, it
>> be
>> more convenient to people with separate mounts for installed packages
>> well. /usr/local is also the default value for --prefix configure
>> for
>> X.org packages.
>> So it is general intention to go with /usr/local or rather
>> ${LOCALBASE} as
>> prefix for X11 ports. If anyone feels that this is horribly wrong,
>> speak up.
> I agree we should move a lot of software out of X11BASE but there
> will need to be a lot of work (esp. for gnome). I'm curious of the
> time frame in which xorg 7 will be committed to the tree? I'm not
> speaking for the entire freebsd gnome team but if we did decide
> to take on this task it would probably take several months to fully
> test and get everything working well in LOCALBASE. I think the
> major hurdle for us isn't moving everything to LOCALBASE it's
> more of the upgrade path people will have to take, having to
> rebuild all gnome components and all the bugs that will follow..
> Michael

It should be possible to make a shell skript that seds through shell
scripts, moves everything around and fixes /var/db/pkg without having to
rebuild anything. I guess most things would just work that way.

/var/db/pkg would be a problem, but the bigger problem for the
gnome ports is gnome is tied in to X11BASE as it stands now
and alot of things would break if part was in LOCALBASE
and part was in X11BASE so it would have to be moved
all at once.
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