On Thursday 13 July 2006 01:20, michael johnson wrote:
> I agree we should move a lot of software out of X11BASE but there
> will need to be a lot of work (esp. for gnome). I'm curious of the
> time frame in which xorg 7 will be committed to the tree? I'm not
> speaking for the entire freebsd gnome team but if we did decide
> to take on this task it would probably take several months to fully
> test and get everything working well in LOCALBASE. I think the
> major hurdle for us isn't moving everything to LOCALBASE it's
> more of the upgrade path people will have to take, having to
> rebuild all gnome components and all the bugs that will follow..

We certainly can't throw xorg 7 that installs in LOCALBASE in tree if that 
would break entire gnome :-) Hopefully we can come up with transition that 
would annoy users as well as maintainers the least. One option is to wait 
with xorg until most ports that now install under X11BASE are converted. 
Another one is perhaps to find out whether gnome for example would work 
installed under X11BASE with xorg itself installed under LOCALBASE. There's 
possibility we add xorg-7 to X_WINDOW_SYSTEM flavours (as non-default one), 
default X11BASE to LOCALBASE in that case. Would that help with converting 
and testing?

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