Quoting Alex Dupre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

h wrote:
i just installed google earth from a fresh ports tree, and when it starts, first it complains about open gl emulation (while my xorg is on nvidia drivers) (you can get rid of the warning) and then it hangs ... it draws some windows, but never earth.

it always hangs on the "loading myplaces, ..." window.

top shows it on "pause" at this point.

Same problem here, with an ATI radeon. No complains on opengl, but hangs on startup. I tried to remove the .googleearth profile in my homedir, and the hang shifted to 'displaying earth', but the issue remains.

Hmmm. I just tried it and it doesn't seem to like my linux thread library so I never get to the "loading myplaces" :(

 ./libgoogleearth.so(_ZN5earth6client11ApplicationC1EiPPcb+0x923) [0x2874b2c3]
 ./googleearth-bin [0x804c73d]
 /lib/obsolete/linuxthreads/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0x8f) [0x29c132e7]
 ./googleearth-bin(__gxx_personality_v0+0x41) [0x804a961]


Alex Dupre
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