Florent Thoumie writes:

>  > Same problem here, with an ATI radeon. No complains on opengl, but hangs 
>  >   on startup. I tried to remove the .googleearth profile in my homedir, 
>  > and the hang shifted to 'displaying earth', but the issue remains.
>  Same behavior on my box. I've filled a PR on Google Earth website, I'll
>  keep you informed.

        After this morning's update (and removing the contents of
~/.googleearth)  I get:

        a) a window titled "Login Status"
        b) a window titled "Cannot access graphics card"

        The second window has a link to
clicking brings up FireFox and takes me to a page at Google which
contains no useful information (i.e. "We're sorry, but the
information you've requested cannot be found. Please try searching
or browsing the Help Center.")

                                Robert Huff

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