On Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 5:23 AM, Paul Webster <paul.g.webs...@googlemail.com
> wrote:

> Good day all,
> I am aware this is a much discussed subject since the upgrade of PF, I
> believe the final decision was that to many users are used to the old
> style pf and an upgrade to the new syntax would cause to much confusion.
> There was a recent debate on ##freebsd about this issue and I was inclined
> to mail in and get your opinions; basically it boiled down to the majority
> of users wanting either:
> 1) To move to the newer pf and just add to releases notes what had
> happened,
> and
> 2) my own personal opinion: creating 'pf2-*' as a kernel option tree,
> basically using the newer pf syntax and allowing users to choose.
> I would be interested to know the feedback from you guys as to be honest
> there seems to be quite a few users who actually DO want the new style
> format and functionality that comes with.
> I Attached the log of the conversation just for reference.
It's been difficult enough to maintain PF on FreeBSD because of the time
needed to be invested in the FreeBSD port.
This situation remains to date, from what I understand. I guess someone can
look at how many bugs/feature requests still remain open for PF on FreeBSD.

I therefore feel that whoever wants to run PF should use a dedicated
OpenBSD box as a firewall/whatever they use PF for.
There is really no point trying to make FreeBSD be OpenBSD when it comes to
such requirements. Look at the advantages of "separation of power" - give
to OpenBSD the fireallpower  and FreeBSD the serverpower.

In keeping with the K.I.S.S principle, please let anyone needing new PF
syntax just use OpenBSD.

My humble opinion.
Best regards,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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