On Mon, Nov 19, 2012 at 9:23 PM, Paul Webster
<paul.g.webs...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Good day all,
> I am aware this is a much discussed subject since the upgrade of PF, I
> believe the final decision was that to many users are used to the old
> style pf and an upgrade to the new syntax would cause to much confusion.
> There was a recent debate on ##freebsd about this issue and I was inclined
> to mail in and get your opinions; basically it boiled down to the majority
> of users wanting either:
> 1) To move to the newer pf and just add to releases notes what had
> happened,
> and
> 2) my own personal opinion: creating 'pf2-*' as a kernel option tree,
> basically using the newer pf syntax and allowing users to choose.
> I would be interested to know the feedback from you guys as to be honest
> there seems to be quite a few users who actually DO want the new style
> format and functionality that comes with.

My vote is for option 1, but I'll also be happy with option 2 if it
costs little to maintain both versions. I'm pretty much for anything
that brings pf in sync (or close to it) with OpenBSD.

- Max
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