Glad to hear that worked ;)

On 28 Feb 2012, at 18:57, Chris Bender <> wrote:

> Dude that was great it worked, I only changed the modulate to keep to work.
> Thanks
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Feb 28, 2012, at 10:17 AM, Damien Fleuriot <> wrote:
>> Regarding your rule #12, I confirm it is matched, and you have seen it
>> yourself: the bytes and states values change.
>> Regarding modulate state, you can find the manual entry for OpenBSD's
>> page which states that:
>> ===
>> The modulate state option works just like keep state except that it only
>> applies to TCP packets. With modulate state, the Initial Sequence Number
>> (ISN) of outgoing connections is randomized. This is useful for
>> protecting connections initiated by certain operating systems that do a
>> poor job of choosing ISNs. To allow simpler rulesets, the modulate state
>> option can be used in rules that specify protocols other than TCP; in
>> those cases, it is treated as keep state.
>> ===
>> In a nutshell, it randomizes Initial Sequence Numbers for TCP to provide
>> better protection against certain specific attacks.
>> As an initial test, I would like you to adjust your rule to use "keep
>> state" instead of "modulate state" and try again.
>> If that should fail as well, we'll get back to the scrub bit.
>> In the meantime you can read about it here:
>> On 2/28/12 3:43 PM, csbender wrote:
>>> Hi  Damien, PF folks
>>> yes 
>>> checking the pflog is  important. I am not entirely sure but please correct 
>>> were 
>>> I go off path.
>>> I send SMTP traffic from client here is pflog:
>>> # tcpdump -nei pflog0 host and port 25 
>>> tcpdump: listening on pflog0, link-type PFLOG
>>> 09:37:14.901238 rule 12/(match) pass in on bge0: > 
>>> S 3029008357:3029008357(0) win 64240 <mss 
>>> 1260,nop,nop,nop,nop,nop,nop,nop,nop,[|tcp]> (DF) [tos 0xb8]
>>> 09:37:14.901276 rule 12/(match) pass out on vlan579: > 
>>> S 3597046675:3597046675(0) win 64240 <mss 
>>> 1260,nop,nop,nop,nop,nop,nop,nop,nop,[|tcp]> [tos 0xb8]
>>> 09:37:35.901429 rule 12/(match) pass in on bge0: > 
>>> S 3029008357:3029008357(0) win 64240 <mss 
>>> 1260,nop,nop,nop,nop,nop,nop,nop,nop,[|tcp]> (DF) [tos 0xb8]
>>> 09:37:35.901471 rule 12/(match) pass out on vlan579: > 
>>> S 3619107731:3619107731(0) win 64240 <mss 
>>> 1260,nop,nop,nop,nop,nop,nop,nop,nop,[|tcp]> [tos 0xb8]
>>> Now I am not sure what indicated this rules is used. From below
>>> @11 pass in quick inet proto tcp from to port = ssh 
>>> flags 
>>> any modulate state label "RULE -1 -- ACCEPT "
>>> [ Evaluations: 0         Packets: 0         Bytes: 0           States: 0    
>>>  ]
>>> [ Inserted: uid 0 pid 1901 State Creations: 0     ]
>>> @12 pass log quick inet proto tcp from <tbl.r0.s:22> to <tbl.r0.d:4> port = 
>>> smtp 
>>> flags any modulate state label "RULE 0 -- ACCEPT "
>>> [ Evaluations: 111973184  Packets: 12400     Bytes: 893938      States: 6   
>>> ]
>>> you have packets, byes and states. Is it the state I must see incrementing? 
>>> I 
>>> have doen this several times and I see the state incrementing.
>>> @11 pass in quick inet proto tcp from to port = ssh 
>>> flags 
>>> any modulate state label "RULE -1 -- ACCEPT "
>>> [ Evaluations: 0         Packets: 0         Bytes: 0           States: 0    
>>>  ]
>>> [ Inserted: uid 0 pid 1901 State Creations: 0     ]
>>> @12 pass log quick inet proto tcp from <tbl.r0.s:22> to <tbl.r0.d:4> port = 
>>> smtp 
>>> flags any modulate state label "RULE 0 -- ACCEPT "
>>> [ Evaluations: 111650386  Packets: 12362     Bytes: 891246      States: 24  
>>> ]
>>> I do see states changing on this rule @12.
>>> What is the modulate state, I was looking in the book of PF didn't see it 
>>> as 
>>> modulate, what setting or how to change that?
>>> Lastly, how to disable scrub in tcp reassembly. I am not sure.
>>> I will look into these though
>>> Regards
>>> ----- Original Message ----
>>> From: Damien Fleuriot <>
>>> To:
>>> Sent: Tue, February 28, 2012 3:06:55 AM
>>> Subject: Re: PF issue (rule match but rule fails)
>>> On 2/28/12 2:27 AM, csbender wrote:
>>>> Hi Folks,
>>>> it is great to join you.
>>>> I am pretty new to the world of PF so please excuse some ignorance at 
>>>> least for 
>>>> now. 
>>>> I have a PF running freebsd 8.2. 
>>>> Here is my issue...
>>>> I have SMTP rule allowing traffic in and out for certain networks.
>>>> Some SMTP traffic fails, eventhough I see rule match, I have no idea why.
>>>> Evidence...Here is am sending email from a network which comes across the 
>>>> FW.
>>>> Here is the tcpdump.
>>>> # tcpdump -ni bge0 host and port 25    
>>>> tcpdump: listening on bge0, link-type EN10MB
>>>> 14:26:50.220591 > S 
>>>> 3154136673:3154136673(0) 
>>>> win 64240 <mss 
>>>> 1260,nop,nop,nop,nop,nop,nop,nop,nop,nop,nop,nop,nop,nop,nop,nop,nop> (DF) 
>>>> [tos 
>>>> 0xb8]
>>>> 14:26:50.244314 > 
>>>> 3154136674:3154136735(61) 
>>>> ack 1245040067 win 0 (DF) [tos 0xb8]
>>>> 14:27:11.233494 > S 
>>>> 3154136673:3154136673(0) 
>>>> win 64240 <mss 
>>>> 1260,nop,nop,nop,nop,nop,nop,nop,nop,nop,nop,nop,nop,nop,nop,nop,nop> (DF) 
>>>> [tos 
>>>> 0xb8]
>>>> 14:27:11.245057 > 0:61(61) ack 1 win 0 
>>>> (DF) 
>>>> [tos 0xb8]
>>>>> From the above it is easy to see traffic isn't passing. 
>>>> Below is the rule that this traffic should be matching.
>>>> pass log quick inet proto tcp from <tbl.r0.d> to any port = smtp flags any 
>>>> modulate state label "RULE 1 -- ACCEPT "
>>>> First question ...what command can I run to verify that the rule above is 
>>>> pertaining to the traffic above?
>>>> Secondly....what else could be squashing this SMTP traffic. It all works 
>>>> well 
>>>> when pfctl is -d.
>>> First, check the logs from PF itself, not just a tcpdump from the
>>> interface, and check what rule number matches:
>>> tcpdump -nei pflog0
>>> Then, obviously, display your pf rules and check what rule matched the
>>> traffic, using its number: pfctl -vvsr
>>> Second, get rid of "modulate state" and use "keep state" instead.
>>> Third, if that doesn't fix your problem, disable tcp reassembly in your
>>> "scrub" rules.
>>> We had similar problems with scrubbing + TCP reassembly enabled over a
>>> year ago on 8.x
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