On Thu, Aug 02, 2007 at 07:34:57AM +0200, Patrick Proniewski wrote: > On 01 août 2007, at 18:21, Greg Hennessy wrote: > > > Looks like someone has compiled out inet6. > > my make.conf reads "NO_INET6= true" > my kernel config file reads "#options INET6" > > so I should have no inet6 at all
greetings peoples on freebsd-pf i am just starting to use pf, today is my first time .. i use freebsd some 10 years now start with 2.0.5 stop on 2.2.5/7 till two months ago when i upgrade hardware (intel 386dx33/486dx33 machines for compaq proliant 5500 (4 cpu, 4 gb, dram scsi raid) x2 a compaq proliant 1850r and a couple of 233/800/1g4 intel boxen. i used to run fidonet/usenet gateway (mail/news file xfers and all the usual "internet stuff" by electronic mail) this has been running for 20 25 years now. i have just been asked to run a web hosting task fro a friend for which i will be tasking freebsd. also the script kiddes have become a real nuisance which is why i started on ipfw a year or two ago. that has let me down and i cannot seem to make it work so i asked a friend for some help (hi volker, i'm awake now .. grin). i'm just started up his authored "/etc/pc.conf" file and i saw the error messages that patrick reported a few days ago .. i/m still trying to sort out my ?machine-room" i had my last 486dx50 die on me and its modem (14kb v32 - some 20 years service) i now have v32.vbis (33k6/33k6) modem on a 16550 uart running on a pentium (p5-133 mhx) machine some 10 years old with 64 mb dram scsi hdd an old reliabe 6 gb ide with freebsd v6.2-release from a freebsdmall (thanks gusys for yor help over the years) cdrom set. i didnot notice much when i started pf at 1145 pm but this morning and now more nociceably the netwprk is getting more sluggish esp' whenever i do ssh based connection, or sudo "channeled" for root priv's software, admin tasks. i had a look in logs, and saw what patrick described (i cannot recal teh exact error message.. it is all pretty much as patric describes but i am not on xdsl, i runing userland ppp for a permanently connected dial (on demand, but permenant connected) ppp account to my isp. i do my own dns/mail/http and so on .. in essance i am my own isp directly connected (by dialup ppp) to the australian backbone, whod a though an invalid pensioner, grin) just an aside .. i am in invalid pensioner (disabled man) i was born with brain damage (caused during gestation some time) i live with learning disabilities and language skill, motor skill impearment. my typing is not he best and i find comprehending written text some (ok most of teh )time hard and at times very hard. due to many motot vehicle smashup (motorcycle, yamaha xs1100g and car several ford fairlanes, currently a 1978 zh beautifull teal blue inside and out) i take large quantities of serious analgesics to help with the pain and other hrt type stuff to cope witht her brain damage and its fall out. well thats me, if you guys want see teh pf config files i can make that happen .. post to list or off list just show where .. ok i am new to pf, i know virtuall nothing and because of my learning disabilities i am a bit slow as tehy say, about us "special" kind of people/childern. most kind regards and very much appreciations cheers jonathan -- ================================================================ powered by .. QNX, OS9 and freeBSD -- http://caamora com au/operating system ==== === appropriate solution in an inappropriate world === ==== _______________________________________________ freebsd-pf@freebsd.org mailing list http://lists.freebsd.org/mailman/listinfo/freebsd-pf To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"