> # filter rules
> block log all
> block in log quick proto tcp from <spammers> to any port smtp
> block in log quick proto tcp from <sshscan> to any port ssh
> block in log quick proto tcp from <webspam> to any port http
> pass quick on lo0 all

Change this to 

        set skip on lo0

> block drop in  log quick on $ext_if from $priv_nets to any
> block drop out log quick on $ext_if from any to $priv_nets

Superfluous, a default block policy should catch these. 

> pass in on $ext_if inet proto tcp from any to ($ext_if) port
> $tcp_services flags S/SA keep state
> pass in on $ext_if inet proto udp from any to ($ext_if) port
> $udp_services keep state

I tend to avoid using 'any' as a source, use !<LAN-Subnets> instead.
> > and trawling the logs for drops around the
> > same time as the transfers are underway would be useful.
> Absolutely nothing interesting out of `tcpdump -n -e -ttt -i pflog0`
> Only a bunch of blocks for rule "0":

You need to enable logging on the pass rules to identify which rule number
the throughput test traffic is matching against.
Then use pfctl -vsr to identify the precise one. 

Looks like someone has compiled out inet6. 

> 000000 rule 0/0(match): block in on fxp0: >
> [|tcp]

You need to increase the snap size. Change the tcpdump on pflog0 whilst
testing to 

        tcpdump -s 160 -l -e -tttt -i pflog0

This will give you far more meaningful firewall logs to identify potential
out of state drops. 


> I've found this in /var/log/debug.log:
> ../..
> Aug  1 14:00:01 boleskine pflogd[410]: [priv]: msg PRIV_OPEN_LOG
> received
> Aug  1 16:00:02 boleskine pflogd[410]: [priv]: msg PRIV_OPEN_LOG
> received
> ../..
> But I believe it's not related to my problem at all.
> regards,
> patpro

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