On 2/21/2025 14:18, Roy Marples wrote:

  ---- On Fri, 21 Feb 2025 18:34:25 +0000  Roy Marples<r...@marples.name> wrote 
  >  ---- On Fri, 21 Feb 2025 17:49:28 +0000  Karl 
Denninger<k...@denninger.net> wrote ---
  >  >             The issue that I had with it not configuring properly on a 
cold boot, as far as I know, has not been addressed -- unless there are updates since 
you and I conversed on that point.
  > I was never able to replicate it. It might have been fixed, it might not 
have been as there have been many fixes and improvements since.

But now I recall someone else did!
The issue is fixed 

Basically on FreeBSD there is a rc.d script which sets the IsARouter flag after 
dhcpcd starts, hence the cold boot issue.
After some chit chat, we decided that the check isn't really needed and the 
issue is thus fixed.

Let me know if that fixed it for you or not!
Good luck.


So just to be clear (its been a minute since I've played with this!) you do:



# Get a primary IPv4 address on the first (near serial port) ethernet port
#ifconfig_igb0="inet6 -ifdisabled accept_rtadv auto_linklocal"
#ifconfig_igb0="DHCP -vlanhwtso -tso -lro" <---- This is the line I'm commenting out
#ifconfig_igb0="DHCP -tso -lro"


in /etc/rc.conf

(and comment out the dhcp6c lines too)

That is, I TURN OFF the "DHCP" in /etc/rc.conf and make sure the /usr/local/etc/dhcpcd.conf file has igb0 as an allowed interface?

(If I screw the pooch on this box and can't sign into it over the network its a pain to recover it, so I'd rather not.... ;-))

Karl Denninger
/The Market Ticker/
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