
I have mixed types of configurations. I’ll give it a run next week.

So far I have tried a tunnel with if_ipsec and strongswan at one end and gif 
and racoon at the other end. I have tried if_ipsec with strongswan on both ends.

I’ll start with recompiling racoon today and using it to see if it breaks any 
existing stuff.


> On 13 May 2018, at 13:59, Andrey V. Elsukov <bu7c...@yandex.ru> wrote:
> On 08.05.2018 16:51, Andrey V. Elsukov wrote:
>> I think for proper support of several if_ipsec interfaces racoon needs
>> some patches. But I have not spare time to do this job.
>> I recommend to use strongswan, it has active developers that are
>> responsive and may give some help at least.
> Hi,
> Today I hacked ipsec-tools a bit, and made the patch that adds support
> for multiple if_ipsec interfaces.
>       https://people.freebsd.org/~ae/patch-reqid.diff
> You can put this patch into ipsec-tools/files/ directory and then
> rebuild the package. I'm not sure about compatibility with generic
> configurations, I tested only the case with two if_ipsec tunnels.
> What it does:
> * added new configuration option for sainfo section - "reqid NUM";
> * policy index was extended to contain reqid, so now racoon's security
> policies from multiple interfaces don't overlapped;
> * logging extended to print reqid in some places.
> How it is expected to be used:
> In racoon.conf you have several "remote IP-address {}" sections. Each
> section should have "ph1id NUM" option. This option is used to select
> corresponding "sainfo {}". You can have many "sainfo anonymous {}"
> sections with different "remoteid NUM", where NUM should match to "ph1id
> NUM". Also you need to add "reqid N" option to these sainfo sections.
> This reqid should match to value configured in if_ipsec interface.
> I.e. "ph1id NUM" and "remoteid NUM" are used to create relation between
> "sainfo" and "remote" sections. And "requid N" options is used to lookup
> corresponding SP in SPDB and install proper SA with needed reqid.
> The example based on your config:
> remote
> {
>        exchange_mode main,aggressive;
>        doi ipsec_doi;
>        situation identity_only;
>        my_identifier address;
>        peers_identifier address;
>        ph1id 10982;
>        nonce_size 16;
>        initial_contact on;
>        proposal_check obey;    # obey, strict, or claim
>        passive off;
>        proposal {
>                encryption_algorithm 3des;
>                hash_algorithm sha1;
>                authentication_method pre_shared_key;
>                dh_group 2;
>        }
> }
> remote
> {
>        exchange_mode main,aggressive;
>        doi ipsec_doi;
>        situation identity_only;
>        my_identifier address;
>        peers_identifier address;
>        ph1id 10986;
>        nonce_size 16;
>        initial_contact on;
>        proposal_check obey;
>        passive off;
>        proposal {
>                encryption_algorithm aes;
>                hash_algorithm sha256;
>                authentication_method pre_shared_key;
>                dh_group 2;
>        }
> }
> sainfo anonymous
> {
>        remoteid 10982;
>        reqid 100;
>        lifetime time 24 hour;
>        pfs_group 2;
>        encryption_algorithm 3des;
>        authentication_algorithm hmac_sha1;
>        compression_algorithm deflate;
> }
> sainfo anonymous
> {
>        remoteid 10986;
>        reqid 200;
>        lifetime time 24 hour;
>        pfs_group 2;
>        encryption_algorithm aes;
>        authentication_algorithm hmac_sha256;
>        compression_algorithm deflate;
> }
> sainfo anonymous
> {
>        lifetime time 30 min;
>        pfs_group 2;
>        encryption_algorithm des;
>        authentication_algorithm hmac_md5;
>        compression_algorithm deflate;
> }
> -- 
> WBR, Andrey V. Elsukov

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