On 08.05.2018 16:51, Andrey V. Elsukov wrote: > I think for proper support of several if_ipsec interfaces racoon needs > some patches. But I have not spare time to do this job. > I recommend to use strongswan, it has active developers that are > responsive and may give some help at least.
Hi, Today I hacked ipsec-tools a bit, and made the patch that adds support for multiple if_ipsec interfaces. https://people.freebsd.org/~ae/patch-reqid.diff You can put this patch into ipsec-tools/files/ directory and then rebuild the package. I'm not sure about compatibility with generic configurations, I tested only the case with two if_ipsec tunnels. What it does: * added new configuration option for sainfo section - "reqid NUM"; * policy index was extended to contain reqid, so now racoon's security policies from multiple interfaces don't overlapped; * logging extended to print reqid in some places. How it is expected to be used: In racoon.conf you have several "remote IP-address {}" sections. Each section should have "ph1id NUM" option. This option is used to select corresponding "sainfo {}". You can have many "sainfo anonymous {}" sections with different "remoteid NUM", where NUM should match to "ph1id NUM". Also you need to add "reqid N" option to these sainfo sections. This reqid should match to value configured in if_ipsec interface. I.e. "ph1id NUM" and "remoteid NUM" are used to create relation between "sainfo" and "remote" sections. And "requid N" options is used to lookup corresponding SP in SPDB and install proper SA with needed reqid. The example based on your config: remote { exchange_mode main,aggressive; doi ipsec_doi; situation identity_only; my_identifier address; peers_identifier address; ph1id 10982; nonce_size 16; initial_contact on; proposal_check obey; # obey, strict, or claim passive off; proposal { encryption_algorithm 3des; hash_algorithm sha1; authentication_method pre_shared_key; dh_group 2; } } remote { exchange_mode main,aggressive; doi ipsec_doi; situation identity_only; my_identifier address; peers_identifier address; ph1id 10986; nonce_size 16; initial_contact on; proposal_check obey; passive off; proposal { encryption_algorithm aes; hash_algorithm sha256; authentication_method pre_shared_key; dh_group 2; } } sainfo anonymous { remoteid 10982; reqid 100; lifetime time 24 hour; pfs_group 2; encryption_algorithm 3des; authentication_algorithm hmac_sha1; compression_algorithm deflate; } sainfo anonymous { remoteid 10986; reqid 200; lifetime time 24 hour; pfs_group 2; encryption_algorithm aes; authentication_algorithm hmac_sha256; compression_algorithm deflate; } sainfo anonymous { lifetime time 30 min; pfs_group 2; encryption_algorithm des; authentication_algorithm hmac_md5; compression_algorithm deflate; } -- WBR, Andrey V. Elsukov
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