Hi Charlie,

2018-01-03 0:07 GMT+01:00 Charlie Smurthwaite <charlie@atech.media>:

> Hi Vincenzo,
>> I am using poll(), and I am not specifying NETMAP_NO_TX_POLL, and have
>> found that sometimes frames and sent only when the TX buffer is full, and
>> sometimes they are not sent at all. They are never sent as expected on
>> every invocation of poll(). If I run ioctl(NIOCTXSYNC) manually, everything
>> works correctly. I assume I have simply missed something from my nmreq.
> I don't think you have missed anything within nmreq.  I see that you are
> waiting for POLLIN only (and this is right in your router case), so poll()
> will actually invoke txsync on interface #i only when netmap intercepts an
> RX or TX interrupt on interface #i. This means that packets may stall for
> long time in the TX rings if you don't call ioctl(TXSYNC). The manual is
> not wrong, however. You can look at the apps/bridge/bridge.c example to
> understand where this "poll automatically calls txsync" thing is useful.
> Thank you for the clarification. I have now altered my code to call TXSYNC
> after each iteration, but only if I have modified the TX ring for that
> interface. This seems to work perfectly. The patch can be seen at
> https://github.com/catphish/netmap-router/commit/
> 2961ab16f14a8b2a2561c9d73f73857e523cc177

I see, it looks good.

>> You also mentioned: "whether netmap calls or does not call txsync/rxsync
>> on certain rings depends on the parameters passed to nm_open()". I do not
>> use the nm_open helper method, but I am extremely interested to know what
>> parameters would affect this bahaviour, as this would seem very relevant to
>> my problem.
> Yes, we do not normally use the low level interface (ioctl(REGIF)),
> because it's just simpler to use the nm_open() interface. Within the first
> parameter of nm_open() you can specify to open just one RX/TX rings couple,
> e.g. with "enp1f0s1-3". Then you usually want to mmap() just once (as you
> do in your program); with nm_open(), you do that with the NM_OPEN_NO_MMAP
> flag.
> I did look at nm_open, and even read the source of nm_open to discover how
> to implement the shared memory, but (for no good reason) I preferred to set
> up the interface manually.

That's ok.

>> If you are interested or if it helps explain my question, my complete
>> code (hopefully well commented but far from complete) can be found here:
>> https://github.com/catphish/netmap-router/blob/58a9b957c19b0
>> a012088c491bd58bc3161a56ff1/router.c
>> Specifically, if the ioctl call at line 92 is removed, the code does not
>> work (packets are not transmitted, or are only transmitted when the buffer
>> is full, which of these 2 behaviours seems to be random), however I would
>> expect it to work because I do not specify NETMAP_NO_TX_POLL, and I would
>> therefore hope that the poll() call on line 80 would have the same effect.
> Yes, that depends on when netmap_poll() is called by the kernel, that
> depends on when something is ready for receive on the file descriptor.
> Looking at your program, I think you need to call ioctl(TXSYNC), at least
> because you don't want to introduce artificial/unbounded latency. However,
> since these calls are expensive, you could use them only when necessary
> (e.g. when you nm_ring_space(txring) == 0 or when you actually forwarded
> some packets on txring.
> Per the patch above I now call TXSYNC on an interface only after pushing a
> batch of packets to it and this seems to work perfectly, at least with a
> good balance between performance and latency. If nm_ring_space(txring) == 0
> I just drop frames until the next batch. I don't TXSYNC part way through a
> batch, it hasn't yet seemed necessary, but I may need to look into this
> later.

Right, there are some heuristics you can try. Calling TXSYNC if you find
nm_ring_space(txring) == 0 while forwarding is a common one, as you
suggest. It can be beneficial or not, depending on your machine, NIC and
workload, so one should just try.

> I'm running this on a 6-core 2.8GHz Xeon with a 4-port i350-T4 NIC. I
> thought I'd just post some stats of the performance I observe using my code
> (excluding the routing table lookup as this isn't relevant to netmap). Not
> really looking for any advice here, just thought I'd share my results.
> All examples are with 1.488Mpps (1 x 1Gbps) input and no packet loss
> observed:
> 1 thread - CPU usage = 100%, batch size = 4
> 2 thread - CPU usage = 54% (27% x 2), batch size = 12
> 4 thread - CPU usage = 98% (25% x 4), batch size = 8
> 6 thread - CPU usage = 124% (21% x 6), batch size = 8
> And again with 2.976Mpps (2 x 1Gbps) input and no packet loss observed:
> 1 thread - CPU usage = 100%, batch size = 12
> 2 thread - CPU usage = 68% (34% x 2), batch size = 21
> 4 thread - CPU usage = 100% (25% x 4), batch size = 17
> 6 thread - CPU usage = 105% (18% x 6), batch size = 16
> These results seem excellent and demonstrate that netmap is scaling as
> expected with both threads and packet volume. The higher thread count will
> be more beneficial when I am doing more processing on each packet.

Yes, as you can see the batch size is very beneficial to CPU utilization
and packet rate, because poll/ioctl are kind of expensive. You could try to
achieve higher batch to possibly better results. If you don't mind adding a
controlled latency you could experiment with adding something like
"usleep(30)" in your forwarding loop: this should lead to larger batches.

>> I hope this all makes sense, and again, I hope I have simply missed
>> something from the nmreq i pass to NIOCREGIF.
>> It is worth mentioning that with the exception of this problem /
>> confusion, I am getting extremely good results from this code and netmap in
>> general.
> That's nice to hear :)
> Your program looks simple enough that we could even add it to the examples
> (as an example of routing logic).
> I'd be very happy to contribute to the documentation in any way that may
> be helpful. I have added a permissive licence to my Github repository just
> in case my code of of use to anyone else. It is currently somewhat
> incomplete as an IPv4 router as it doesn't update MAC addresses on frames
> before forwarding them, and because the interface names are hardcoded, but
> when it's more complete I'd be very happy for it to be contributed to the
> examples. Of course anyone is free to use my code for any purpose too.
> Thanks for all your assistance! I'm happy enough with this that I will
> move on to looking at my IP routing code.

Ok, thanks!


> Charlie
> *Charlie Smurthwaite*
> Technical Director
> *tel.* *email.* charlie@atech.media *web.* https://atech.media
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