Hi Marek,

On Fri, Apr 25, 2014 at 09:48:36AM +0200, Marek Salwerowicz wrote:
> Hi list,
> Both boxes are  connected to the same switch (HP 1910-48G)
> I need to transfer around 10 TB of data from storage1 to storage2
> I obeserve that during copying, only one NIC (instead of all 4) is used.
> Boxes are not stressed during copying
> What's more, apart from having 1 NIC saturated (transfer around 120
> MB/s), I observe transfer rate on level of 70-80 MB/s

Default lacp 802.3ad works with mac based hashes to loadbalance traffic.
So single host (mac) will be transfered by one ethernet adaptor as you
have seen.

> I haven't changed any kernel configuration, nor sysctl's - am I missing
> sth ?

There are tuneables, i think, to change the hash from mac source : dest
hash to session tcp source+port: dest:port but these might need also
configuring on switch/network.


Robert Blacquiere

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