If this machine is dedicated for pf then setting sysctl net.isr.direct=0
might also improve performance, by forcing all packets to go through a
single netisr thread (assuming that net.isr.maxthreads is 1).  Note that
this will apply to traffic that does not go through pf, so if this
machine were doing other network things (e.g. serving NFS) then it would
bottleneck your other traffic behind your pf traffic.

Hmm, we see this:

[2.0.2-RELEASE][admin@fire02.cghub]/root(1): sysctl net.isr.direct
net.isr.direct: 1
[2.0.2-RELEASE][admin@fire02.cghub]/root(2): sysctl net.isr.maxthreads
net.isr.maxthreads: 3

Should I set net.isr.maxthreads=1 before setting net.isr.direct=0 ??
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