On 07.03.2013 14:54, Alexander V. Chernikov wrote:
On 07.03.2013 15:55, Andre Oppermann wrote:
On 07.03.2013 12:43, Alexander V. Chernikov wrote:
On 07.03.2013 11:39, Andre Oppermann wrote:
This brings up a long standing sore point of our routing code
which this patch makes more pronounced.  When an interface link
state is down I don't want the route to it to persist but to
become inactive so another path can be chosen.  This the very
point of running a routing daemon.  So on the link-down event
the installed interface routes should be removed from the routing
table.  The configured addresses though should persist and the
interface routes re-installed on a link-up event.  What's your
opinion on it?

This is exactly what is done in current code for IPv4:
if_down calls if_unroute(), it cals prctlinput() for every interface
address, and domain-dependent function like rip_ctlinput calls
in_ifscrub() cleaning given interface route.
However, address route (/32) still remains (but route daemons, at least
bird, tends to ignore it since it is not listed as valid interface

IF_DOWN and link state down are not the same thing.  When the cable
is unplugged the link state goes down but not the interface.
Ups. I've missed 'link' keyword.
Imho 'operational down' should behave exactly the same as 'admin down'
e.g. delete interface routes from route table.
It should be not very hard to do.

Are you to implement it after the pinning patch? ;-)


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