On 30 August 2012 02:11, Lev Serebryakov <l...@freebsd.org> wrote:

>   Yes, it is only 500Mhz Geode LX, but it is only 40 mbit/s and
> 4.5Kpps in both directions, nothing like full 100Mbit or more, and
> I've learned "empirical" rule/heuristics about 1Gbit(!) per 1Ghz(!)
> for softrouters, So, theoretically, 40mbit should not be a problem at
> all for this hardware.

It honestly shouldn't be that bad, but without dumping a bunch of
effort into profiling (even if it's just sampled profiling via gprof)
I won't know whether that's "good" or not.

>   And now I have not-working WiFi (this box is also AP) when wired
> traffic is high (wifi speed drops down to 100KB/s from 2.5-3MB/s
> without wired traffic), userland freezes under load (very bad with
> ULE, better with 4BSD), and inability to pass through 40Mbit in both
> directions simultaneously.

Hm. What about disabling preemption and see if that helps? I still
haven't fully debugged/diagnosed why preemption acts weirdly on my
mips24k boards (which is why all the mips24k Atheros SoC's have 4BSD +

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