Doug Barton <> wrote
  in <>:

do> We have a pair of physical FreeBSD systems configured as routers
do> designed to operate in an active/standby CARP configuration. Everything
do> used to work fine, but since an upgrade to 8.2-STABLE on December 29th
do> the two routers don't speak BGP to each other anymore. They both
do> function fine individually, and failover works. It is only the openbgpd
do> communication between them that's not flowing.

 Doug, does your kernel have TCP_SIGNATURE option?  The patch[*] for
 net/openbgpd can be used as a workaround if it was due to TCP_MD5SIG
 option on the listening sockets.


 While this is an ugly hack and I will investigate more reasonable
 solution for that, I want to narrow down the cause first.  Can anyone
 who are using a 8-STABLE kenrel with TCP_SIGNATURE let me know if
 this works or not?

-- Hiroki

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