On 01/03/2012 10:03, Bjoern A. Zeeb wrote:
> On 3. Jan 2012, at 17:47 , Borja Marcos wrote:
>> On Jan 3, 2012, at 4:29 PM, Ed Maste wrote:
>>> Thanks for the link Nikolay.
>>> Borja, I assume it's the PR submission form that gave you trouble -
>>> sorry for that.  Based on your report it sounds to me like the bug is
>>> in OpenBGPd itself.  If it works on OpenBSD with the TCP_MD5SIG option
>>> though I'd assume it's due to a difference in our (FreeBSD's)
>>> implementation of the option.  Did you look at the OpenBSD/FreeBSD
>>> differences in your investigation?
>> Both bird and quagga work as expected on FreeBSD. You can leave TCP_MD5 
>> enabled in the kernel. If you specify "password" options for a BGP peer, it 
>> will enable TCP_MD5. Of course in FreeBSD it's a bit clumsy and you have to 
>> use setkey(8) to set the keys. But it works.
> The reason for setkey is just because the software (quagga, bird,...) didn't 
> grow a proper key management integration on pfkey2.   Would be easy.   Might 
> be needed soon anyway;-)
> Not having looked at the particular openbgpd patches in our ports tree I 
> would almost expect there can only be a minor issue that it would stop to 
> work for non-protected peers once MD5 support is present in the kernel and 
> that should be easy to spot.
> Unfortunately Doug didn't say from where he updated to this December 8-STABLE 
> to see if it could be the MFCs of the MD5 changes by Attilio could make 
> OpenBGPd as in ports cranky?

I mentioned December 29, sorry if that wasn't explicit enough, I didn't
have the svn revision close to hand.

Is r226260 the MFC that you're referring to? The log says, "Skip
TCP_SIGNATURE calculation for INP_TIMEWAIT case." If so, that happened
in October so we're well past that in our version of -stable.

I'll be working on the various suggestions (thanks everyone for them,
most helpful!) and report back on what works.



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