On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 1:58 PM, Jack Vogel <jfvo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I believe I've explained this once before. The limitation code is put in
> explicitly
> because its what we support and all we support, we know that some hardware
> out there will not work, some may.
> If you buy the hardware you would be wise to make sure you get what's
> supported,
> but please don't ask me how to hack around it or what it means when you have
> problems when you do.   In the first place I dont have the time, second, I
> do not
> have the hardware or means to test that, and finally I need to abide by what
> my
> management tells me...  you do all want me to keep my job yes? :)

I certainly do Jack!  LOL.

However, would it be possible to please make this a kenv tunable in
the driver?  Its kinda stupid I have to recompile to add a SFP.  It
can certainly be an unsupported feature by you.

Patch attached.  Tested with CURRENT driver on a 7.2-amd64-release
machine.  If you set the tunable to 1, ixgbe loads without issue.  If
you leave it to zero (default), it will not attach to unsupported

I also added DEBUGOUT6 since it was missing and caused a compilation
failure when I turned on in-driver debugging.

What do you think?


Attachment: ixgbe-sfp.patch
Description: Binary data

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