On 2009-Oct-04 18:47:23 +0500, rihad <ri...@mail.ru> wrote:
>Hi, we have around 500-600 mbit/s traffic flowing through a 7.1R Dell 
>PowerEdge w/ 2 GigE bce cards. There are currently around 4 thousand ISP 
>users online limited by dummynet pipes of various speeds. According to 
>netstat -s output around 500-1000 packets are being dropped every second 
>(this accounts for wasting around 7-12 mbit/s worth of traffic according 
>to systat -ifstat):

This has been a most interesting thread.  A couple of comments:

Traffic shaping only works cleanly on TCP flows - UDP has no feedback
mechanism and so will not automatically throttle to fit into the
available bandwidth, potentially leading to high packet drops within
dummynet.  Is it possible that some of your customers are heavily
using UDP?  Have you tried allowing just UDP traffic to bypass the
pipes to see if this has any effect on drop rate?

The pipe lists you posted showed that virtually all the packet drops
are associated with one or two IP addresses.  If this is really true,
rather than a measurement artifact, you might find it useful to
tcpdump those addresses and see if there's anything unusual in the
data being passed.  Also, if you monitor the pipe lists following a
cold start, do those addresses appear early and just not show any
packet loss until the total number of users builds up or do they not
appear until later and immediately show packet loss?

Looking at how 'output packets dropped due to no bufs, etc.' is
counted (ipstat.ips_odropped), if you run 'netstat -id', do you see a
large number of drops on bce1 (consistent with the "output packets
dropped" counts) or not?  This will help narrow down the codepath
being followed by dropped packets.

Since the problem only appears to manifest when table(0) exceeds 2000
entries, have you considered splitting (at least temporarily) that
table (and possibly table(2)) into two (eg table(0) and table(4))?
This would help rule out an (unlikely) problem with table sizes.
Doin so would require the application to split the users across both
tables (eg round-robin or based on one of the bits in the IP address)
and then duplicating the relevant ipfw rules - eg:

01060 pipe tablearg ip from any to table(0) out recv bce0 xmit bce1
01061 pipe tablearg ip from any to table(4) out recv bce0 xmit bce1
01070 allow ip from any to table(0) out recv bce0 xmit bce1
01071 allow ip from any to table(4) out recv bce0 xmit bce1

(And I agree that re-arranging rules to reduce the number of repeated
tests should improve ipfw efficiency).

The symptoms keep making me think "lock contention" - but I'm not sure
how to measure that cheaply (AFAIK, LOCK_PROFILING is comparatively

Finally, are you running i386 or amd64?

Peter Jeremy

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