On 1 Oct 2009, at 12:24, pluknet wrote:

If you run into this again, let me know. Also, are you using accept filters
on the box?

Got it again (this time on 6.4-p5).

It's funny to say: I got it on two boxes nearly simultaneously.
Both from proftpd. See also my first mail (the same).

I'll take a further look at this today sometime, but it is my belief (FYI) that the new socket life cycle in 7.x closes many possible races along these lines. As such, while we can try to track down and resolve this, you might find it simply "goes away" if you move to 7. If you do see it in 7 then I would be especially interested :-).

There are two sockets involved here, and I'd like to get some debugging information on both. First, it looks like close() is being called on a listen socket -- could something be killing the proftpd instance on both your boxes at about the same time, perhaps due to shutdown or some admin event?

For both sockets, the one passed to soclose and the one passed to soabort, could you provide structure dumps of:

(1) *so
(2) *(struct inpcb *)(so->so_pcb)
(3) Depending on whether INP_TIMEWAIT is set in the inp_flags field, either *(struct tcpcb)((struct inpcb *)(so->so_pcb)->inp_ppcb) or the same cast but struct tcptw if it is in timewait.

It seems likely we're dealing with a race condition in which close() on a listen socket aborts a pending connection at the same time as a network event, such as a received reset/fin/etc.


Fatal trap 12: page fault while in kernel mode
cpuid = 2; apic id = 02
fault virtual address   = 0x104
fault code              = supervisor read, page not present
instruction pointer     = 0x20:0xc06a3425
stack pointer           = 0x28:0xef764bb0
frame pointer           = 0x28:0xef764bbc
code segment            = base 0x0, limit 0xfffff, type 0x1b
                      = DPL 0, pres 1, def32 1, gran 1
processor eflags        = resume, IOPL = 0
current process         = 74303 (proftpd)

db> bt 74303
Tracing pid 74303 tid 101039 td 0xcaa08820
_mtx_lock_sleep(ccd50768,caa08820,0,0,0) at _mtx_lock_sleep+0x9d
soabort(ccd506f4) at soabort+0x82
soclose(d1aa8b20) at soclose+0x21a
soo_close(c9f50a20,caa08820) at soo_close+0x63
fdrop_locked(c9f50a20,caa08820,caf78a00,ef764ca8,c06875f3,...) at
fdrop(c9f50a20,caa08820,caa08820,ef764c64,c0689055,...) at fdrop+0x41
closef(c9f50a20,caa08820,0,ef764d38,cad8f648,...) at closef+0x42f
kern_close(caa08820,a,ef764d30,c08e1d4b,caa08820,...) at kern_close +0x20d
close(caa08820,ef764d04) at close+0x10
syscall(bfbf003b,3b,bfbf003b,8150034,811a434,...) at syscall+0x2bf
Xint0x80_syscall() at Xint0x80_syscall+0x1f
--- syscall (6, FreeBSD ELF32, close), eip = 0x2832230f, esp =
0xbfbfe6bc, ebp = 0xbfbfe6d8 ---
db> show proc 74303
Process 74303 (proftpd) at 0xcad8f648:
state: NORMAL
uid: 36830  gids: 36830
parent: pid 95478 at 0xc8e60000
arguments: proftpd: fatich_1 - IDLE
threads: 1
101039                   Run     CPU 2               proftpd

(gdb) list *(soabort+0x82)
0xc06ea2a6 is in soabort (/usr/src/sys/kern/uipc_socket.c:510).
505             int error;
507             error = (*so->so_proto->pr_usrreqs->pru_abort)(so);
508             if (error) {
509                     ACCEPT_LOCK();
510                     SOCK_LOCK(so);
511                     sotryfree(so);  /* note: does not decrement
the ref count */
512                     return error;
513             }
514             return (0);



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