On Thu, 23 Apr 2009, pluknet wrote:

Please, give me comment on this. The panic is on 6.2-REL. Is it known to be fixed in the latter releases?

It may well be -- there have been quite significant architectural improvements to socket life cycle (etc) between 6.2 and 7.x releases, which may well close the race causing this panic. However, we'll probably need to learn a bit more in order to decide for sure. Could you convert the trapping instruction pointer to file+offset in the source code?

Robert N M Watson
Computer Laboratory
University of Cambridge


db> bt
Tracing pid 14677 tid 101677 td 0xcf8e2640
_mtx_lock_sleep(ce7b9a30,cf8e2640,0,0,0) at _mtx_lock_sleep+0x9d
soabort(ce7b99bc) at soabort+0x82
soclose(c83a2858) at soclose+0x21a
soo_close(cf1c8750,cf8e2640) at soo_close+0x63
fdrop_locked(cf1c8750,cf8e2640,cb18d400,f1872cb4,c06607eb,...) at
fdrop(cf1c8750,cf8e2640,c991b5a0,cf8e2640,0,...) at fdrop+0x41
closef(cf1c8750,cf8e2640,0,cf8e2640,a,...) at closef+0x42f
close(cf8e2640,f1872d04) at close+0x211
syscall(816003b,816003b,bfbf003b,8151034,811a434,...) at syscall+0x2bf
Xint0x80_syscall() at Xint0x80_syscall+0x1f
--- syscall (6, FreeBSD ELF32, close), eip = 0x2832230f, esp =
0xbfbfe6dc, ebp = 0xbfbfe6f8 ---

db> show msgbuf
msgbufp = 0xc1042fe4
magic = 63062, size = 65508, r= 388996, w = 389463, ptr = 0xc1033000,
cksum= 5411375
kernel trap 12 with interrupts disabled

Fatal trap 12: page fault while in kernel mode
cpuid = 5; apic id = 05
fault virtual address   = 0x104
fault code              = supervisor read, page not present
instruction pointer     = 0x20:0xc067a01d
stack pointer           = 0x28:0xf1872bbc
frame pointer           = 0x28:0xf1872bc8
code segment            = base 0x0, limit 0xfffff, type 0x1b
                       = DPL 0, pres 1, def32 1, gran 1
processor eflags        = resume, IOPL = 0
current process         = 14677 (proftpd)

db> show allpcpu
Current CPU: 5

cpuid        = 0
curthread    = 0xc7cfec80: pid 18 "swi4: clock sio"
curpcb       = 0xe6892d90
fpcurthread  = none
idlethread   = 0xc7cfeaf0: pid 17 "idle: cpu0"
APIC ID      = 0
currentldt   = 0x50

cpuid        = 1
curthread    = 0xce9b1c80: pid 63915 "sc_trans_freebsd"
curpcb       = 0xf1263d90
fpcurthread  = none
idlethread   = 0xc7cfe000: pid 16 "idle: cpu1"
APIC ID      = 1
currentldt   = 0x50

cpuid        = 2
curthread    = 0xd1b944b0: pid 63619 "sc_serv"
curpcb       = 0xf2435d90
fpcurthread  = none
idlethread   = 0xc7cfde10: pid 15 "idle: cpu2"
APIC ID      = 2
currentldt   = 0x58

cpuid        = 3
curthread    = 0xd2340af0: pid 5086 "sc_serv"
curpcb       = 0xf2e08d90
fpcurthread  = none
idlethread   = 0xc7cfdc80: pid 14 "idle: cpu3"
APIC ID      = 3
currentldt   = 0x58

cpuid        = 4
curthread    = 0xca46b640: pid 14743 "httpd"
curpcb       = 0xeefbbd90
fpcurthread  = none
idlethread   = 0xc7cfdaf0: pid 13 "idle: cpu4"
APIC ID      = 4
currentldt   = 0x50

cpuid        = 5
curthread    = 0xcf8e2640: pid 14677 "proftpd"
curpcb       = 0xf1872d90
fpcurthread  = none
idlethread   = 0xc7cfd960: pid 12 "idle: cpu5"
APIC ID      = 5
currentldt   = 0x50

cpuid        = 6
curthread    = 0xc833a7d0: pid 10882 "httpd"
curpcb       = 0xf2651d90
fpcurthread  = none
idlethread   = 0xc7cfd7d0: pid 11 "idle: cpu6"
APIC ID      = 6
currentldt   = 0x50

cpuid        = 7
curthread    = 0xc7d02000: pid 20 "swi1: net"
curpcb       = 0xe6898d90
fpcurthread  = none
idlethread   = 0xc7cfd640: pid 10 "idle: cpu7"
APIC ID      = 7
currentldt   = 0x50

db> bt 63619
Tracing pid 63619 tid 103691 td 0xd24e8640
sched_switch(3528361536,0,2) at sched_switch+323
mi_switch(2,0) at mi_switch+442
critical_exit(3231785568,4070575232,3230238960,0,3227844616,...) at
lapic_handle_timer(0) at lapic_handle_timer+201
Xtimerint(3231785568,3528361536,0,0,0) at Xtimerint+48
accept1(3528361536,4070575364,0,4070575408,3230324027,...) at accept1+254
accept(3528361536,4070575364) at accept+16
syscall(135659579,59,138870843,135738880,0,...) at syscall+703
Xint0x80_syscall() at Xint0x80_syscall+31
--- syscall (30, FreeBSD ELF32, accept), eip = 672261683, esp =
3215908652, ebp = 3215908696 ---

db> bt 5086
Tracing pid 5086 tid 103669 td 0xc8494640
sched_switch(3360245312,0,1) at sched_switch+323
mi_switch(1,0,3435481780,4041956464,3228189038,...) at mi_switch+442
sleepq_switch(3435481780) at sleepq_switch+135
sleepq_timedwait_sig(3435481780) at sleepq_timedwait_sig+30
msleep(3435481780,3451159168,360,3230803656,3,...) at msleep+560
kse_release(3360245312,4041956612) at kse_release+567
syscall(135659579,59,138870843,135713536,0,...) at syscall+703
Xint0x80_syscall() at Xint0x80_syscall+31
--- syscall (383, FreeBSD ELF32, kse_release), eip = 671810103, esp =
138899336, ebp = 138899396 ---

db> bt 10882
Tracing pid 10882 tid 102711 td 0xc833a7d0
sched_switch(3358828496,3352291680,6) at sched_switch+323
mi_switch(6,3352291680,3352292024,3231754688,4066712232,...) at mi_switch+442
maybe_preempt(3352291680) at maybe_preempt+196
sched_add(3352291680,4,3358828496,3352291680,4066712268,...) at sched_add+600
at setrunqueue+99
_end() at 3358828496

db> bt 20
Tracing pid 20 tid 100013 td 0xc7d02000
sched_switch(3352305664,3352291680,6) at sched_switch+323
mi_switch(6,3352291680,3352292024,3231754688,3867773608,...) at mi_switch+442
maybe_preempt(3352291680) at maybe_preempt+196
sched_add(3352291680,4,3352305664,3352291680,3867773644,...) at sched_add+600
at setrunqueue+99
_end() at 3352305664

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