Josef, good day.

Mon, Feb 18, 2008 at 11:50:24AM +0100, Josef Pojsl wrote:
> > OK, to the point: the inlined patch should go to the 'files'
> > directory, named 'patch-p2p_interfaces'.  I assume that all my
> > previous patches to make 4.2 to compile and run were applied.
> Thaks a lot, I have applied that patch and it works!
> Ospfctl shows the right interface and routing table is correct as well.


> I have tried that for my simple config with two machines
> and two gre interfaces. The big picture of my test network
> includes six machines and about twelve interfaces,
> so I am about to spread that patch and start tests
> of the whole thing.

Yeah, the wider testing is always welcome ;))

I had created PR for this problem:
It should be available on the Web interface shortly after this mail,
at least I hope so.

Can I ask you to try the patches from the PR itself and report the
results as the follow-up?  Patches in the PR body should be identical
to the patches I had sent to the list.  But just in case I did
something wrong and sent incorrect content to the problem report,
it will be great if an other person will try to patch using PR data.

Thank you!
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