Hi Eygene,

On Thu, Feb 07, 2008 at 07:57:47PM +0300, Eygene Ryabinkin wrote:
> OK, the first patch version is ready.  It compiles well and even
> starts for the trivial configuration.  I will try to test it for
> other configurations, but you may test it as well: I will appreciate
> it very much.
> One note: the provided patch if applied with the normal 'patch'
> utility can fail to remove deleted patches from the 'files' directory.
> The following files should not be present:
>   files/patch-ospfctl_parser.c
>   files/patch-ospfctl_parser.h

I did try the patch. Unfortunately, the deamon complains about sending packets
over gre interfaces. I cannot see any OSPF traffic on them with tcpdump,
and no routes get added. Look at what ospfd -dv says:

if_del: interface gre31
if_del: interface gre30
orig_asext_lsa: age 0
orig_asext_lsa: age 0
orig_asext_lsa: age 0
orig_rtr_lsa: area
orig_rtr_lsa: stub net, interface gre31
if_fsm: event UP resulted in action START and changing state for interface 
gre31 from DOWN to P2P
orig_rtr_lsa: area
orig_rtr_lsa: stub net, interface gre31
orig_rtr_lsa: stub net, interface gre30
if_fsm: event UP resulted in action START and changing state for interface 
gre30 from DOWN to P2P
send_packet: error sending packet on interface gre31: Invalid argument
send_packet: error sending packet on interface gre30: Invalid argument
spf_calc: area calculated

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