The following reply was made to PR kern/112654; it has been noted by GNATS.

Subject: Re: kern/112654: [pcn] Kernel panic upon if_pcn module load on a 
Netfinity 5000
Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2008 16:47:23 +0100

 Adding this latest nsphyter.c edition of Marius to his former patchset 
resulted =
 in a reliably working pcn driver. So whatever you tried there Marius, is the =
 key to the kernel panic problem I reported this PR for. The kernel I built =
 with your latest update now loads the if_pcn module without the kernel panic, =
 regardless of the RJ45 cable being connected or disconnected, and the pcn0 =
 adapter reliably recognizes the presence of the cable. The adapter worked fine 
 for basic network testings.
 I do not know how ready you consider the current code to be the final fix for =
 my PR, or if you need to incorporate the things we just learnt here into a =
 larger and more uniformly written patch before it can migrate to the src 
system. =
 I also do not know if a proper fix for FreeBSD 6 needs to be much different =
 than for FreeBSD 7, I only recognized that your RELENG_6 patchset introduced =
 this new nsphyter thing which did not exist in 6.x before. So I am uncertain =
 how much of this are you or the FreeBSD Team willing_to/can inject into 
 about now. However, judging from your latest followup I assume that there may =
 not be necessarry to add nsphyter to RELENG_6 just now, because a simplified =
 fix implementing this latest reset function change of yours in the good old =
 ukphy section of the current 6.3-STABLE code might be perfectly good enough =
 for the time being.
 But this is not for me to decide, I simply mentioned this as a possible option.
 Anyway, GOOD JOB guys!
 Thank you!
 P.S.: That backtrace thing I should have given you in case your patch does =
 not work, is unknown for me. I assume it may be usefull to know this in the =
 future and I am happy to improve my knowledge, so if you can point me to a =
 page where I can learn what that is, I would appreciate it.
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