Stephen Clark wrote:
Luigi Rizzo wrote:
On Mon, Dec 10, 2007 at 11:22:33AM -0800, Chuck Swiger wrote:
On Dec 10, 2007, at 8:56 AM, rihad wrote:
I'm having a hard time to understand what pipe queues are with
respect to bandwidth limitation. ipfw(8) and dummynet(4) manuals
didn't help me much.
Pipes and queues are two different things; a pipe simulates a
network link, and a queue is used to hold packets which are
backlogged because they are arriving faster than the outbound link
(ie, a pipe) can transmit them.
How does dummynet's traffic shaping function?
It uses a variant of weighted fair queuing.
actually the shaping uses a leaky bucket algorithm.
The weighted fair queuing is the queue management scheme used
when you have multiple queues attached to the same pipe
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Pipes are used to limit bandwidth. Queues are used to assign priority to
different classes of traffic. As an example
suppose you wanted to limit bandwidth for a specific ip to 2mbs. You set
up a pipe to do this and use ipfw to put traffic
from this ip into the 2 mbs pipe. If you then wanted to prioritize ftp
traffic at higher than priority than all other traffic for
this same user you would create 2 queues to feed the 2mbs pipe. You
would send the ftp traffic into the higher priority queue
and all other traffic for this user into the other queue.
And if I _only_ want to shape IP traffic to given speed, without
prioritizing anything, do I still need queues? This was the whole point.
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